
Learning in Rent-Seeking Contests with Payoff Risk and Foregone Payoff Information
Aidas Masiliūnas
Games and Economic Behavior, 2023. [PDF]

Information about historical emissions drives the division of climate change mitigation costs
Alessandro Del Ponte, Aidas Masiliūnas and Noah Lim
Nature Communications, 2023. [PDF]

One-way routes complicate cooperation in migrant crises
Alessandro Del Ponte, Peter DeScioli, Aidas Masiliūnas and Noah Lim
Scientific Reports, 2021. [PDF]

Framing and repeated competition
Aidas Masiliūnas and Heinrich H. Nax
Games and Economic Behavior, 2020. [PDF]

Overcoming inefficient lock-in in coordination games with sophisticated and myopic players
Aidas Masiliūnas
Mathematical Social Sciences, 2019. [PDF]

Overcoming coordination failure in a critical mass game: Strategic motives and action disclosure
Aidas Masiliūnas
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2017. [PDF]

Working papers

Market Concentration and Incentives to Collude in Cournot Oligopoly Experiments (with Nobuyuki Hanaki)

Decentralized voluntary agreements do not reduce emissions in a climate change experiment (with Alessandro Del Ponte and Noah Lim)

Behavioral variation in Tullock contests (with Friederike Mengel and J. Philipp Reiss)